The Meaning Of I Can't Resist You
What does it mean when a guy says I can't resist you? What is the reason behind that term? It can't be a plain phrase, it has a meaning, find it here.
When a guy says I can resist you it means that he is so much in love with you. He may be so much in love that he can’t deny anything that will come from you. Irresistible love is love that is over the passion of love. This goes to an extent of obsession!
It means that the guy can’t move on or do anything with you. He is into that his entire life revolves around you. When you make a guy fall in love up to this level it is definitely that he won’t think or go to anyone else.
You will become the centre of his entire world. Nothing will ever work straight for him without you being around. This kind of love is rare to be achieved to make it happen you really have to be special in the boy’s eyes.
Love is something very precious that is found in rare situations. When a guy comes into contact with a girl that meets the criteria that he wants her to then there is nothing that will make that man start cheating.
Something that all men need is a woman to dream of their lives. I guess you too do have dreams about which kind of man you want to have in your life. Picture something the man you want to have in your life. Will you really think of leaving him or her said?
The way you picture him to be in the same way men also do. This now comes when they meet such a kind of woman who they have been dreaming of all of their lives. You will be irresistible to them. This is now where the guy says I can’t resist you.
Since you are the kind of girl he ever needed in his life then, he will be stuck with you for the rest of his life. I don’t think such kind of love is healthy for anyone. This can of life can bring forth problems too.
When a guy is obsessed with you, he becomes very jealous and over-protective. This means he can go to an extent of killing because another guy is messing with her lover. Love should be there I do agree with that. But it should have a positive influence on a person.
If that love has a negative influence on someone then it’s not referred to as love. You have to understand everything that is good for the health of a human being if it’s used in excess then it will eventually harm the person it offers aid to too. This is the same when it comes to love.
So, when a guy reaches that point of him saying that he can’t resist you make sure that that love he has for doesn’t turn into something else but positive feelings that are colourful, bright spark of love that doesn’t burn, affection, and passionate love.
I can’t resist talking to you meaning.
When a guy says that he can’t resist talking to you it means; that he can’t help himself when it comes to you. He will approach and talk to you before anyone. This is because talking to you might make him feel relieved.
This means that for him keeping the conversation with you is the best thing that has ever happened to him. To him, you are someone that has a special place in his heart. That is all about having feelings for you, in most cases, guys who use this word usually haven’t clearly explained their motive.
To such kind of guys to them you are still someone, they are considering making you someone else. That is why they are using I can’t resist talking to you. Someone has clearly defined his motives with you he will directly tell you, “I can’t resist you”
A guy using this term is definitely in love with you. It doesn’t matter if he has someone else but lastly, he will turn to you. We all know the feeling of being in love with someone you can’t resist talking to.
This means that your relationship with him will be so amazing if only you feel the same for him.
Communication is the first thing that keeps people who have the same intentions together. Communications keep people close and also be able to share what they feel for each other.
The more you talk to someone the more you can be able to understand his needs and what he actually wants from you.
You will realize that when the communications fail or decline so will the feelings of attachment. This means the bond will decrease by a considerable amount. Give it a try and see for yourself. Do this to the guy who says, “I can’t resist talking to you”
Go far away and stay there for almost a year. Make sure that you cut off all the communications you have. After you have spent so much time far away from him return back to where you used to stay and see how he will be behaving towards you.
Don’t get surprised that he even moved on. Do you know why? This is because the communication that you used to keep on going is the only thing that made you and him still attached though you were only friends. Had it been that you kept the conversation alive I’m sure it would have turned into something else.
Be aware that when a guy says that he can’t resist talking to you he is planning to make a move that will make change the line of a friendship. In most cases, guys believe that when they use this term girls already have a clear understanding of what they are all about.
This is especially for guys who are shy to express their feelings. They will use terms that refer to a position of love and affection it will be up to you to understand them. Not all guys have the courage to face a girl and directly tell her how they feel about her.
When a guy opens up to you and tells you how he feels believe it went over his expectations. While those who are shy to say they can’t resist you will send you a letter with so affectionate words.
Many people say that true love does not exist anymore. It is true according to their experiences some people might be saying, true love only exists where there is mutual benefit.
I do oppose that. You found me broke and you made my life a better one, you found me empty, and you made me feel like I own the whole world.
You found me hopeless, and you made me believe there is still a place within me that can still be trusted and loved unconditionally.
I Couldn’t Resist You Meaning?
This means that he is over you—he has moved on. Though, it clearly shows that he was so much into you. It may be that you never showed him interest or he saw you with someone else. You never know. You also might be the reason why he moved on.
When you don’t give a guy what he expects from you, he will definitely be someone else who can offer him what he wants. Another reason that made him moved on it may be that he expected so much from you and you never even give him half of what he thought he would get from you.
That is why he will use the term “I couldn’t resist you” Now this means he has no feelings for you and he is living without expecting anything from you. If he had felt it was only in the past. Right now he has different things in mind.
This is the only meaning that I can offer to you from what I understand about ourselves. I was once at that point of using this term and it worked pretty well. I never had the courage to say everything straight enough to her.
Got any questions about the term I have shared with you? Leave your comment below I’ll reply as soon as I can.
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