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Is Success Controlled By Destiny (Explained)

Do you really believe that your success is controlled by destiny? Or is it that for anyone to be successful he or she has to work for it? Get the full insight into success and destiny.


success and destiny
Source: Unsplash by Jude Beck


What is Success?


Success can be defined as the accomplishment/accomplishment that one attains after putting an effort into something that he or she has been working for.


The moment you put your effort into something that you really aim at getting, and you try hard no matter the challenges you come across until you finally, get what you have been working for—that is what is all about success.


So, success doesn’t come on a silver plate. You have to work for what you want to accomplish in your life.


Success is combined with hard work and determination. Hard work and determination are the other factors that success can’t work without. It’s just like a car without petrol or diesel, it will never move. Anyone looking for success should make sure that he or she includes these two character traits.



Everyone has his or her own definition of success. You will hear some people telling you that success is all about achieving what you want in your life without caring about any other factors like hard work and determination. This is from those who inherited wealth and power from their parents.



The only person who knows the true definition of success is a person who worked for it. Those who got it without working for it will never know the joy of achieving it. There is joy in achieving it, ask those who have earned it with hard work and determination.



What makes a person a success?


The success of a person is made by the hard work and determination that someone puts on his or her work. More effort, high self-esteem, and determination will result in the accomplishment of what is desired.



Anyway, this is a quote you should know;


“Success isn’t measure by the position you reach in life; it’s measured by the obstacles you overcome”

                                  _Booker T. Washington





success and destiny
Source: Unsplash by Marleena Garris

What is destiny?

Destiny is a fate that one is entailed to fall in. It’s just a belief that people have it in their minds. In most cases, destiny is believed to be controlled by the divine powers of God. Many People do believe that destiny is controlled by God.


Think about it, do you believe it too that destiny is controlled by God? Leave your comment below. Destiny is something that is unknown. No one knows his or her destiny. This is because no one knows of the future and what it holds for him or her.



In my opinion and what I understand about destiny is that it’s controlled by your current actions. I believe that the actions that you do today are all connected to your future. Anything that you do right now measures the results that you will get in the future.



Do you know who you want to be in the future? I know you may tell me that you want to be a lawyer, a soldier, a doctor, an engineer, and many of the careers that you may desire to have in your future life. Think about it; is that destiny or success?



The president you have in your country was he or she destined to be a president or she worked for it? He or she worked for the presidency that is why the other characters like hard work and determination made him/her a president.



So, from the statement above I believe you have an idea of how destiny and success are two things different. You also have to understand that destiny does not control someone’s success.



Is Success Controlled By Destiny?


Success will never be controlled by destiny since they are two things very far from each other. Destiny is the fate that someone feels he or she is purposed to be in while success comes as a result of someone's determination and hard work.



People with low self-esteem will believe that their destiny is to be failures. This is because they have a negative view of their own self-image. While those with high self-esteem will tell you that they are destined to be successful in life.



These two things—destiny and success are very different. This is because involves effort and determination while destiny involves beliefs. These beliefs can either be positive or negative.



The positive ones are in people who are optimistic while the negative ones are for those who pessimistic.



So, success isn’t controlled by someone’s destiny, but the belief of destiny on the positive side can control someone’s success but only if someone adds effort and hard work to it. You can have beliefs that you will be successful and you end up sitting down doing nothing for the success that you are looking for.



If a person has a negative side of belief about his or her destiny and he or she sticks to it; then he or she will be doomed to failure. It’s just like low self-esteem which rips away all the power of thinking positively and using one’s energy to achieve success.



Do you control your destiny?


No one knows the things he or she was destined to become. So, this means that you can’t control your own destiny because it’s something that you can’t see. The only thing you can do is to influence a change in your life with the things you choose to do. 


If you keep holding to the fact that you are destined to be poor then you will be poor. It’s is just like self-esteem. If positive self-esteem (high self-esteem) is in one’s character trait then there is a possibility for him or her to be successful.



“Some succeed because they are destined to; most succeed because they are determined to.”

                                                  _Anatole Brown



Can hard work change destiny?


Hard work can’t change destiny since it’s something that is unknown. Had it been able for people to see their future then there would be the possibility of changing it. Hard work will only aid in the success of a person to achieve what he or she has been working for. 


 Is Sucess All about Destiny?

Is it true that success is all about destiny? Or it's something that one works for. Get to know. Get to know the right answer and get motivated. 

This is a question that we were arguing about with my friends a few weeks ago. Is success all about destiny? This question erupted a very argumentative discussion, to an extend my mother's friend ( Fredrick) came between. In my opinion, I stood with the fact that says success is all about one's initiative and hard work.
Is success all about destiny?

Fredrick brought up this discussion. He was firmly on his stand that success is all about destiny. He said that we can just sit back and relax and when God plans for our success it all comes without any hesitation.

He mostly based his argument on religious facts. God is the reason why some people make it in life; he is the reason some people are still lagging behind. He said that for one to succeed, he must fully devote himself before God. Live a decent life free from all illegitimate work.

Jay who was on my side, he never let him finish his statement. He interrupted him and said, " Everything that man gets is due to his on the initiative way, we get what we work for. Try one day. Wake up and sit here (home). Do nothing, and at the end of the day provide to your family a sack of maize and fish."

Fredrick replied and said, "If God had planned for me to get the sack of maize and a bucket of fish during that day, then definitely at the end of the day I will have it.

We are the people who we are right now because God destined us to be this way. We can not change His destiny anymore, once it was written then no one can erase it or change it."

His last statement clicked into my mind. It made me feel he was on the right track. God created us and wrote our destinies. That is so, and cannot be changed. I'm religious too, though a different one from Fredrick I took that point into consideration.

Mody was one of the people in the group. He was silent for a while, but he was listening to the discussion that was going on. He finally contributed, "Fredrick, you have seen most people making it in their life. 

One of the people is your Dad who is right now working with logistic companies. Do you want to tell me if your father would sit down with his paper and do nothing about looking for the right job, would he be having the work he is currently doing?"

This question passed a great pause on him. He kept silent for about one minute and nodded. He then realized that it could not be possible. The group discussion went dull for a few minutes. Fredrick's mother who was sitting in the corridor felt that there was a need to educate us.

"Let me make it very clear, for you to succeed in your life, you should focus on two things. The first thing you should know is that success is sought out. Most of the successful people who are now prominent in the world never sat down and wait for things to happen. They sacrificed their time, pleasure and endure pain so as to reach where they are right now. My son (referring to Fredrick) you should work hard, do your best and leave the rest to God."

She gave us Inspiration. She made us realize that succeeding in life it has to be people's initiative and only a few parts of belief has to be kept to God.
can you change your destiny?

I took my stand, I opposed Fredrick. Success is not all about destiny. Success is all bout commitment, hard work, and determination. You can say you were destined to be poor in your life. If I go further asking a question, Who among us know his or her destiny?

None of us has an idea of how his/our life will end up to be. We are all blind to see our future. We can only predict how the future is going to be. Even predicting the future, does guarantee us that we will get the exact results we had predicted before.

Since we are blind to see what is ahead of us, we should take an initiative to work for what we want in our lives. Nothing comes easy or by luck. Luck will only remain in the fiction world. In this real-world, you only rip what you sow. You cannot cultivate beans and expect to harvest apples.

I do believe in destiny. I'm not trying to say that destiny does not exist. I'm a Muslim, and from my religion, I have never heard of a script that says sit down and relax and let the bounty of God fall on you. The same issue our prophet pointed out, tie your camel first before you leave, then rely on God to keep it safe.

We tend to put so much blame into destiny without realizing that we all have a crucial part to play in our lives. We have to put pressure on what we want to achieve. If you believe in destiny then also make an effort to work for what you want in your life.
Is success all about destiny?

Most of the successful people we know, if you listen to their life history, you will find that they went through a lot of shit for them to be where they are currently. Take a look at the life history of Colonel Sanders who was the founder of KFC ( Kentucky Fried Chicken). You will realize that success does not come on its own, we have to seek it out.

I stand by the fact that success is all about taking an initiative, working hard, and making a commitment to the things that you desire to achieve. What I know, one's effort will never go in the veil. No matter how little effort you made to achieve what you want, you will always get its result.

It may not be today or tomorrow, but one day you will celebrate the effort of your hands. Fredrick later knew that success is not all about destiny, but initiative, hard work, and determination. What is your opinion regarding this discussion?
leave your comment below and let me know your view about this topic.
Thanks for reading.

You might also go through my trending post related to this topic.


  1. Good article, and hopefully you become a successful person in the world of blogger

  2. Thanks guys for your reviews. Together we can move to the next level


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