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Where True Happiness Comes From (Updated)

true happiness comes from within


True happiness comes from within meaning;


True happiness comes from within it means that you are the only person responsible for your own happiness and not somebody else. If you want to be happy you can be happy because it all about taking in all the positive vibes in life.


Happiness starts within you. You have the ability to  create your own happiness and no one else can take away your happiness.


The main reason why I’m saying that the happiness comes from within you it’s because you are the only person who you can choose your emotions.


If you want to be happy you can be happy; by doing things that make you joyous. At the same time if you want to be sad you can be sad: by taking in all the negativity in your life.



True happiness comes from within yourself, not from someone else


True happiness comes from within you. The things you choose to do in your daily life is what will determine your happiness.


As other people find happiness by helping people this is a perfect example that shows that happiness comes from within you.


If you want to be happy choose to satisfy yourself and your inner soul. Choose to do things that make you happy.


You know yourself better than anyone else, so you exactly know what can make you happy and what can make you sad.


True happiness comes from within yourself but not from someone else. So, if you want to be happy learn to focus on yourself more to find the things that can make you happy. This is because you are the only person who can feel it but not someone else.


Sometimes no matter how hard you keep on trying you will never find the happiness that you are looking for.


You end up feeling empty within yourself and lonely even if you are surrounded by people. The main reason why this might be happening to you is spiritual.


You can fix this if you start connecting yourself to what you believe in. If you are a religious go to Mosque or church and find something that can fill the void within you.


Sometimes the tangible things we come across will never be able to provide what we need to feel with ourselves.


It’s very important to explore yourself to the fullest if you want to get the happiness you want to have.


Where Your Happiness comes From;

Everyone has their own way of defining what happiness is. Everyone has their own way to achieve their happiness. If you try to research you will find that everyone has their own unique way to attain the state of happiness they are seeking. With all these ways people should understand that  Happiness has an origin where it stems from.

Have you ever wondered where your happiness comes from? Or you keep asking yourself how you can be happy. Get your answers here in Life Blogger.

People will do everything they can to obtain wealth, power, or honor. They all think that by achieving this they will attain a state of happiness. They can achieve all that, then what next? Will their souls be satisfied with the same state they managed to reach? The answer is no, they will still aim for something else. This is human nature. Once you find a simple car (probox) that you have been praying to have, after some months with your probox you will think of having Noah.

One will do everything possible to attain wealth either in a legal way or illegal. All these things people are doing are due to a lack of contentment.  Which without contentment one’s soul will never achieve happiness.

Happiness in life is not determined by wealth, fame, health, or power. Happiness stems from within. If you can’t find happiness within yourself then be sure you will never get it anywhere.  When you want to find happiness within yourself then the first thing you have to do is to instill the attitude of contentment in your heart.

Contentment will make you not worry about the materials around you. You will have the ability to live a comfortable and restful life. People or are not content are always restless. This may be because they don’t know what they need in their lives or they don’t know what has the ability to satisfy their inclinations. Restlessness deprives peace and brings fatigue in one’s life. This, in turn, leads to a lack of a happy state of mind, frustrations, pain, and cravings one fails to understand its cure.

A soul will never be satisfied with wealth. One might be given a mountain of gold, and he will still be in need of another one. We are already experiencing this from the rich people around us. They are already having billions of money in their accounts and still, they go on stealing from the people who few amounts of money in their accounts. Another good example is from the politicians.

They already have leadership at the same time earning from the same position. They are not satisfied with that either. They go stealing billions of money that were supposed to cater to the needs of the citizens. The citizens who are struggling to pay taxes. Try to think of this situation and ask yourself if a soul can be satisfied with wealth.

Here now, that is where the point comes out vividly. You will never find happiness from the things you are seeking if they are based on the outside world. I earlier said that happiness stems from within. So when you go around looking for wealth and think that you will find your happiness then you will be doomed. 

If the principles of contentment are not within us no material success, no pleasures or possessions can make us happy. This is because contentment is the first stem of happiness. With contentment arise all the sectors of happiness

Another thing that that happiness stems from is doing work that you are passionate about

The work that everyone does in his life helps to determine how happier he/she will be in his or her life. Our lives are surrounded and involved with the work we do in our daily lives. We all have to work to pay our bills. About 75% 0f our lives are occupied by the work we do for a living. 

If this work occupies the largest percentage of the part of our lives, then it has the capability to determine our happiness state. The work we have to do is also in connection with our passion. 

When you have a passion for something, doing it won’t be a problem for you. Instead, it will be the stem of your happiness. We love to do things we are all passionate about. Teachers find their happiness from the work of teaching they do. Engineers find their happiness from the work of repairing machines they do, the cooks find their happiness in cooking and the writers find their happiness in writing.

We can see that work also plays a big part in determining the happiness state in our lives. If one loves the work he does, he is actually going to have the best time of his life. He is going to find the happiness he/she is looking for. This is very important if one really cares about the life he is going to live in. 

You should not choose your career based on the amount of salary you will receive. Choose a career that you feel you will be comfortable working in. Choose a career that suits your personality. 

This career is actually going to consider the kind of work you are going to do. I will quote few wise words from the philosophers and you will get to understand how they consider work as the second thing that your happiness can stem from.

“ The grand essentials to happiness in life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for”                  ---Joseph Addison

From the above phrase of Joseph Addison, we find that something that we do has a great impact on the stem of our happiness. If you do something that you love, it will eventually bring joy to your life. The same thing will bring love into your life. Lastly, it will be something that you will always hope for to bring forth goodies and favors in your life.

“The mintage of wisdom is to know that rest is rust, and that real life is in love, laughter, and work”
                                                                ---Elbert Hubbard  

This is another quote from Elbert Hubbard. From the same quote, we can learn that also from the work we do we can find our state of happiness.

true happiness

Happiness also comes from the things we do not for ourselves but for others

When you do something in order to make someone else happy or to change someone’s life, here we are cultivating our happiness. You will feel good when you see someone’s life has improved because of you. You will feel very comfortable when you are trying to make someone’s life better.

Mostly this goes to the religious aspects. Muslims give out alms. Christians also give out alms and I think all the other religions encourage the attribute of kindness and generosity. This aspect will result in the selflessness of a soul. When one is selfless he or she will never find it hard to help someone else to enlighten his or her life. This brings happiness to the doer.

“As long as you make other people happy you will also be happier, happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on other without getting few drops on yourself”               
  ---Ralph Waldi Emrson 

Focusing on the happiness of other people can be an amazing thing. This is because you won’t have to worry about your own state. When you focus too much on your own desires you will be bored to death and find that your life is stagnant. This will deprive you of happiness. 

Especially when most of the things in your life aren’t working the way you expected. You fail to find the reason for living. You will prefer death to your own life. The happiness to you will be impossible to be attained.  

a happy kid

Happiness stems from having positive thoughts

The happiest people are those who are optimistic. They look like life on the sunny side. They always think of the positive things in their lives. They always believe they will emerge the winners. No matter how hard the situation is they will always give you positive feedback.

Such kinds of people are fond of happiness. When you think of interesting things in your life you bring about intrinsic motivation. Once you are motivated internally happiness is always your companion. Once you are able to find happiness your life goes smoothly without any stress.

You can do this. You only have to give yourself a humble time. You have to think of all the things you need in your life. Try to think that whatever you want will be on your doorstep the next day. 

Embrace all beautiful thoughts and all perfect things that have been happening to you. Cover your life with beautiful memories.  Try to avoid negative thoughts at all costs. By doing this you will be creating your own heaven in your mind. One will never find you with a frown face. This is another way to create your own heaven on earth.

 When you think of the positive things happening in your life. It opens the door to happiness and makes you stronger. The happiest people think of interesting things that bring joy to their hearts.

Happiness can also stem from focusing on your present issues

This is by living your present life. Forget all about what the future might bring to you and focus on the beautiful things that are before you.  The future is never in our hands. We have no control over it. So enjoy your present life to the fullest. This brings happiness to one’s soul.

“If we are ever to enjoy life now is the time not tomorrow, nor next year, nor in some future life after we have died. The best preparation for a better life next year is a full complete harmonious, joyous life this year. Our beliefs in a rich future life are of little importance unless we coin them into a rich present life. Today should always be our most wonderful day”             ---Thomas  Dreier

Thomas Dreier is trying to say that if we want to enjoy life and find joy in our hearts is to celebrate the time we have right now. Let a battle of tomorrow be of tomorrow. Worrying about the future will be of little help to you in your current life.

“One important source of unhappiness is the habit of putting off living to some fictional future date. Men and women are constantly making themselves unhappy because in deferring their lives to the future they lose sight of the present and its golden opportunities for rich living”
                                                                                                                --- W Beran Wolfe

This phrase of W Beran Wolfe really identifies how people lose the golden opportunities that are before them just because of the plans of the future in which they have no power. I never knew this. I used to worry so much about the future. I used to think so much of “what if”

I never knew that it did deprive me of the golden opportunities that were before me. Now I really do understand how I should handle my present. 

You should also make sure your tomorrow does not deprive you of your today’s happiness. You have been blessed with today’s bounties don’t waste them.
I will conclude with another phrase from Dale Carregier that says,

“One of the most tragic things I knew about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon, instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today”       

Happiness can found in a lot of things. We all have different ways from which our happiness stems from. The ways I have mentioned above are not all the sources where happiness stems from. 

All in all, we can never be happy if we fail to understand what we need in life. We can never be happy without being contented with what we currently have. We can never be happy without appreciating our weaknesses and admitting our life failures that resulted in deep pain in our lives. The key to eternal happiness in one’s life is contentment.

“Let not your mind run on what you lack as much as on what you have  already of the thing you have select the best, and then reflect  how eagerly they would have been sought if you did not have them”
                                                                                                                                ---Marcus Aurelius.
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