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You Feel Like Your Life Is Repeating Itself? Here’s Why


i feel like my life is repeating itself

You Feel Like Your Life Is Repeating Itself? Here’s Why

If you feel like your life is repeating itself and you really don’t know why that is so then let me share an insight with you.


In this article, I will share why you feel like your life is repeating itself.


There could be several things that make you feel like your life is repeating itself.


If you want to fix this feeling, you have to acknowledge the things that make you feel this way.


Without wasting time, let me share what you need to know about this issue.


This is why you feel like your life is repeating itself;

1. You keep on doing the same things repetitively.

If you feel like your life keeps repeating itself this is something you need to know.


You feel like your life is repeating itself because you keep on doing the same things over and over again without a change of scene.


I know how it feels to be stuck in such a condition. I once used to feel that my days are just repeating themselves.


I took my time and tried to figure out what was going wrong. I found out that I felt like my days were repeating themselves because of the things I kept on doing.


There was no change at all in what I was doing. Neither the place nor the things I was doing.


So, there is a possibility that you are feeling this way because you keep on doing the same things over and over again.


You don’t change the style of how you approach these things, you don’t change the venue and you don’t give them a different taste.


If you are stuck doing things that you aren’t interested in, you just do them because you have no choice, then this could be the main reason you feel like your life is repeating itself.


2. You don’t make progress in your life.

i feel like my life is on repeat

When there is no progress in your life, you will end up feeling like your life is repeating itself.


This is because you are stuck trying so hard to move a distance and change your life but nothing is happening.


Progress in your life is what will make you feel that your life is going somewhere.


And when there is progress you will feel like things are changing, the things you do today aren’t going to be the same as you will handle the next day.


You are moving forward, you are experiencing new things, you meet new people and your whole life seems to be in motion.


This is not going to be the same thing with someone whose life is stuck.


If your life is not going anywhere this is a feeling that will cloud you most of the time.


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You will feel like your life is repeating itself if there is no significant progress you make in your life.


Do you think you are making progress in your life? Are your things moving the way you expected?


If the answers to these questions are no then this is one of the reasons why you feel like your life is repeating itself.


This is because you keep doing the same things repeatedly but still find yourself in the same position in your life.


3. You keep facing the same issues over and over again.

What you have to know is that challenges will always be a part of us.


No matter how much we try to make our lives amazing, we will always face them.


We have challenges, life problems and some other issues that we will always face no matter how hard we try to evade them.


If you have been working so hard to solve the same issues repetitively this could be the main reason you feel like your life is repeating itself.


When you face the same problems over and over again your brain will end up concluding that you haven’t moved a single step forward.


You are either stuck or going backwards.


This is enough to make you feel like your life is repeating itself and you can’t do anything to stop it.


Problems have these effects on us; if we keep on working on the same problems for longer we will end up feeling we are dealing with the same stage of our lives as long as we live.


If you have been dealing with the same challenges or problems in your life for a while without moving further away from them this could be the main reason why you feel like your life is repeating itself.


4. You always find yourself in the same spot.

my life is repeating itself

If you find yourself in the same spot no matter how fast you move then this feeling will always cloud you.


You feel like your life is repeating itself because you always find yourself in the same spot.


Let me talk about several examples that will enlighten you.


You study so hard, and you want to be successful and make a difference. This is the only thing that you have been focusing on since you realized your potential.


The effort you put into studying is significant, but the surprising and annoying thing is that you always end up failing your exams.


You go back harder on books, you deprive yourself of certain pleasures just to ensure that you have it all to yourself, but you keep on failing.


If you are experiencing something like this in your life then it’s possible to feel like your life is repeating itself.


This is because you always find yourself in a similar situation no matter how hard you try.


Also, if you try so hard to be better at several things in your life, but you always keep failing to make that happen, you will end up feeling like your life is repeating itself.


You always find yourself in the same position that you tried so hard to move out of.


And this is what makes you feel like your life is repeating itself.


5. Your life is in a loop.

Your life is a loop and that is why you feel like your it’s repeating itself.


Let us talk about your life so that you can understand why I’m telling you this.


Have you ever found yourself doing the same things over and over again without a result?


You are pilling your stacks, but they keep on falling once you place the last one at the top.


And this keeps you on repeat.


This is a game, but it can turn out to be someone else’s life.


Maybe your life or mine. Who knows.


A life without adventures is a life that is a loop. Are you pushing yourself over your limits?


Are you trying new things? Are you figuring out ways to make your life more exciting?


If you are not doing anything to make a change in your life and have the kind of lifestyle that you really want, then you are always going to be in a loop.


I mean there won’t be anything extraordinary about your life. You will keep on doing the same tedious things over and over again.


Do you expect not to feel that your life is repeating itself?


Being stuck in your comfort zone is something that is going to be ideal for a while.


But in the end, you will feel like things are just repetitive, which will suck so bad.


You won’t do anything to go out there and explore, you won’t push above your limits to become someone else, and you won’t have the hunger to know more about yourself or other people.


You will eat, work, and sleep and that will be on repeat.


But you won’t live, love and laugh at all. It’s a slogan for this blog.


When are in stuck a situation that makes you feel that it’s enough for you not to do anything about your life, in the end, you will end up feeling that you need more from your life.


If you are in the situation that I just talked about in this part of the article, then this could be the main reason why you feel like your life is repeating itself.


This is because there is no adventure at all and you are stuck doing the same things over and over again.




If you feel like your life is repeating itself it’s mainly because of how you chose to live your life.


You have to figure out the main reason why you feel the way you do about your life.


There is no way you will be happy living your life if you will feel that you are stuck in a loop.


This is enough to drive you nuts and you have to do something to get rid of this feeling.


Take your time to observe your life and you will eventually find out why you feel that everything in your life is repeating itself.


Some may tell you that it’s a good idea to have a repetitive life because you will always know what is coming…


But hey! How will you get the adventure of life?


That is what makes us feel we are alive and doing something about our lives.


Thanks for reading, if you have any questions you should leave your comment. I hope you will be able to figure out what is the source of this feeling.


See you in my next article.

  1.  You Feel Like Your Life Hasn’t Started Yet: Here’s Why
  2. Why You Feel Like Your Life Has No Meaning
  3. Your Life Is Falling Apart? Do This




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