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How To Live A Stress-Free Lifestyle (5 Ways How To)

how to live a stress free lifestyle

How To Live A Stress-Free Lifestyle

Are you stressed or overwhelmed by or current condition in this life? Follow these 5 tips and I'm sure you will live a stress-free lifestyle.

  A free-stress life is all that everyone yearns for. No one wants to live a life that is full of disappointments. Living a life that is full of joy and cheers is the key to every human being. Sometimes we tend to stress ourselves from things that will take a whole term for us to find ourselves in such zones.

I'm going to point out things that will enable us to live a free-stress life. You will never understand how you are affected by something in your life until it does so. You won't be able to know the benefit of anything until it is taken away from you.

Our daily life is affected by what we always keep in our minds as beliefs, and our first priorities to meet. The people we interact with can determine the kind of life we are going to choose for ourselves. Associate yourself with winners and you will be among them.

Stress in one's life can be contributed to different things, but mostly the stress always arises from the things we care about, the things that we are afraid to leave, the things that we know we benefit largely from them. When I'm referring to stress I don't only refer to the negative part of stress but also the positive stress.

Most of us may want to know how we can live a life free from these stresses. The truth of the matter, we can never evade stresses, but we can find ways in which we can handle them so that they don't be a tragedy in our life progress. You have to know that stress can temper the progress of your life. For you to move forward you need to focus.

When you fail to focus on your path it is obvious you will fall. How can we obtain the full focus of our life and move on with life so smoothly without any problems? We need to get to learn tactics on how we can live a free-stress life. This is how we can live a free-stress life.

You can live a life free of stress by doing the following things;

1. Live In Your Present World.

Living in your present world is one of the best ways you will manage to live a free-stress life. When you think so much about how your future is going to be, you are worried about how your life will be without so and so. 

This will actually drive away your happiness in the present. You will never enjoy your life if you will always be thinking about how your future is going to be.

What you have to do is to find what keeps you moving, something that you always lay your head on, and follow your daily plan without worrying about how tomorrow is going to be. 

We don't have the ability to see what tomorrow will bring. We are all blind. Create for yourself a conducive environment. 

The things that we wish to have in the future let them be a plan for the future. Currently, work with what is before you. This is the only way that will keep you free from stress. Enjoy your present to the fullest. 

Let what was meant for tomorrow be for that day. We have no ability to change what will be in the future. So stop worrying about what you don't have the ability to change. 

For instance, you are having a wedding today. You never told your wife or husband about the people you broke up with. Back in your mind, you know that the boy/girl you had is his/her best friend. You never revealed this to him/her in your relationship. 

Your wedding day won't be a happy moment for you anymore due to the fact that you still have in your mind what if he/she finds out that you dated his/her best friend before.

From the example, above you can understand how living in your present world is awesome. The future does not belong to us. We work with our daily activities.

You have a company. The current situation at your company is astonishing. The sales of your company are always increasing. Every step you take to move forward in your company always bears positive results. 

Do you know that you can result in the downfall of this company if you keep thinking of what is going to happen if the customers change their minds concerning your products? When you keep worrying about how will be the sales of your company 5 years from now.

Worrying about something that you don't have the capability to reach. This will make you lose focus and you will be stressed. You won't be able to celebrate the better harvest of today, you will be drawn into the dark of the future.

2. Stop Comparing Your Life With Other People's Life. 

Our lives are termed in a different way. We have people who were blessed with a perfect life, people who were blessed with brains different from ours, people who were blessed with talents that we don't have. 

You have to understand that you will never be the same as I'm. We have a different background, we have a different storyline.

When you compare your life with someone else you will never be able to live a free-stress life. You cannot know what someone went through to be there, where he is right now. 

You can't know what he did to have what is currently owning. Our storylines are always different.

Hold on to what you have. It is worst, yes it is worst. It can never be like what someone else is having. Comparing will make you want to live a life that is not yours, it will deny you happiness and indulge you in a pitch of vices. You will have a life but, a restless one.

By doing this you will be encouraging stress in your life. You won't be able to live free from it. Once you are in a state of stress you become the slave of your own inclination and thoughts. You will find no development in your life other than your struggles to be in a class you can't fit.

3. Take It Easy On Yourself. 

You are not the first person to live in this world. People come and go. Some accomplish what they want while others fail. This should give you a clear picture that it is always not 100%  we are going to get what we want in this life.

So take it easy. Don't give yourself a very tight schedule. Have some fun when it is possible. A tight schedule sometimes frustrates us. You end up finding yourself stuck on something without knowing what you are doing. 

When you make it hard on yourself, sometimes your mind fails to work as it supposes to. 

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You have known to it also uses energy. So when you overwork it with your tight schedule without a rest moment it is going to freeze. When it freezes, you won't be able to do anything productive. 

We all know that when your tank is full to the brim and you keep on filling it with water it will eventually hold the added volume of water. The same happens to our brains.

Give yourself an easy schedule. In turn, it will give you a humble time and an easy way to work on your daily needs in a comfortable way. 

You have to know which things should be worked out first, and work them out, then follow the wants and deal with them. Organize yourself in a simple way and you will live a free-stress life.

4. Do The Things You Enjoy Doing. 

This is another way to live a free-stress life. Make yourself happy. Do the things that make your day move in a smooth way. If you are a great fan of music, then spend your time listening to music. Make a time only for listening to music. This will calm you.

I really enjoy walking, it makes me feel so calm. Walking in quiet places, walking on an empty road on the sides will only trees and birds singing. No matter which state I would be in, but when I go to such places alone, I find my happiness.

Another amazing way I find is to visit the ocean. Have a cool time on the sand. Watching the tides hitting the rocks, also makes me feel so cool. We all have things that we enjoy doing. These things make us live our lives free from stressors. 

Make sure what you enjoy doing is a positive thing. You have to know that smoking and drinking are not good ways to run away from your stress. This is a negative way of handling stress. 

You may be happy you are handling your stresses but later on, you will be crying after burning up your liver. You will now get a 100 dollar stress.

Just do your things in a safe way. This will help you manage your life better. You cannot use a negative way to eliminate a negative symptom, it will eventually accumulate and drag you to the worst path. 

Use positive ways to eliminate the negative things in your life. This is all about a happy lifestyle.

5. Learn Tactics To Handle Your Life Better.

You want to live a happy life free from world stress then you will have to learn new ways on how you are going to make your life better. You have to know that not everything comes with your wish. Stress will always be there. 

It is so hard to stay away from them, if we can't stay away from them then we have to learn how we are going to place ourselves in a better situation.

Read different books, learn from everyday life experiences, learn from people you know and those you don't. Life will never be static. Things changes. New things come in with their styles and effects. These changes can give you a better choice of how you want to handle your life.

You have the choice, to make your life better or to destroy it. You have the power to change everything in your life. You can decide which things you want to care about, you can decide on which things you want to ignore. 

Do you know that you can choose what you want to be your stressor? This all depends on which trait are you using to drive your life with. This is all about your lifestyle.


  1. A nice article full of encouraging words....

  2. Thanks so much for your review, be blessed...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i love that you wrote live in your present world
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  7. Thanks so much for your review Alice I'm happy that you found it helpful


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