How To Tell If Someone Is Lonely
In this article, I will share signs that will clearly show you that someone is lonely.
You have to understand that people are different and not all signs that I will share in this article will necessarily mean that someone is lonely.
But in most cases, when you come across more than 3 signs from the same person then this should tell you that they are lonely.
And also, if you want to know if you are lonely, then some of these signs are going to help you see if you are in that category or not.
Without wasting time, let me share how to tell if someone is lonely.
This is how to tell if someone is lonely;
1. They brag about having many friends.
This is the first way to tell if someone is lonely. The moment you notice that someone is bragging about having so many friends this should tell you that they are lonely.
They are lonely and they don’t have any real friends in their lives. The people they call friends are the people they talk to and share nothing in common.
When you notice that someone is bragging about the list of friends they have this is a sign that they are lonely.
They are talking about something that they don’t have.
Someone who has so many friends and they are not lonely at all, you will never hear them talking about the list of friends they have.
These people will not even dare to mention to other people that they have friends because to them it will seem obvious.
But someone who doesn’t have friends will feel the need to tell other people that they have friends so that they are not perceived as loners.
You have to understand that some people don’t like to be perceived as lonely because they don’t want other people’s pity.
Also, it can be that they are bragging about the list of friends they have because they want to be seen as cool and interesting.
Especially, if they want to fit in with a certain group of people.
When you come across this behaviour from someone, this should tell you that they are lonely.
2. They try so hard to win other people's attention.
This is another sign of a lonely person that you will come across. Someone who is trying too hard to win other people’s attention is usually the loneliest.
This person isn’t recognized by anyone and that is why he or she is trying too hard to make people know that he or she exists.
Someone who is an attention seeker is a lonely person.
So, if you find yourself seeking so much attention from other people, you want them to validate you and notice you then know that you are lonely.
The same thing applies to other people two.
People who seek attention are always aware that they lack something valuable that other people have.
That something valuable is friendship. They know that no one is going to notice them because they don’t have any friends.
Someone with so many friends will not worry about attention or being recognized.
But since they have no friends and no one is going even to realize how amazing they are they try so hard to make people notice them just for the spotlight.
This is a crazy thing to do, but lonely people tend to do this.
So, if you have noticed someone is trying so hard to win other people’s attention, this should tell you that they are lonely and that is why they are doing that.
3. They are always hanging out alone.
This is another obvious sign you will come across from people who are lonely.
Someone who is lonely will always hang out alone. They don’t have friends and don’t expect anyone to be around them.
If someone will spend even a minute with you and he or she is genuine about the time he or she spends with you then know that he or she is your friend.
Time is precious, you can’t recover lost time. So, if someone gives you an hour genuinely this clearly shows that they are really into you.
People who have no real friends will always be hanging out alone. They will give you so many excuses why they are alone but the truth of the matter is that they are lonely.
If you have noticed that someone is always hanging out alone most of the time, then know that they are lonely.
People who aren’t lonely will always be surrounded by people.
Everyone will want to be around them because they are amazing and interesting.
4. They have so many friends online.
People who have so many friends online are always the loneliest ones.
They don’t have real friends.
They are trying to compensate for what they miss with online friends.
These are the people when you look at their social media accounts have thousands of followers and friends.
But in reality, they are lonely because all their friends only don’t even care about them.
Online friends only care about the stories they post online.
In reality, most of these people who have so many friends online, spend so many hours indoors, trying to get followers and people to like their content.
This is what makes them feel that they have friends to fill their loneliness.
5. They hate people with many friends.
This is another way of telling if someone is lonely.
People who are lonely will always hate people with so many friends.
Do you know why they hate them? They do hate them because they have something very valuable that they don’t.
These lonely people are struggling so much to create meaningful connections but they don’t seem to find that.
And here are other people who are making friends very easily like drinking a cup of water.
Lonely people hate people with so many friends because they are the opposite of who they are.
So, if you find that someone hates you for having so many friends who are real with you, this is enough to tell you that they are lonely.
They want you to leave your real friends and focus on them because no one is doing that.
This may also apply to you, if you find yourself hating other people because they have many friends then this should let you know that you are lonely.
6. They rarely go out.
People who are lonely rarely go out. I mean they have no friends to hang out with why would they go out?
Even if they go out, they won’t enjoy being out because there is no one they can spend an amazing time with.
This is one way of telling if someone is lonely. They will give you thousands of reasons why they don’t want to go out.
But the truth is that they are lonely.
People with friends will always want to go out and spend time with them.
They will do everything they can to be at their friends’ party, go for a sleepover, go for brunch and so many other things.
But those with no friends and are lonely will prefer to spend most of their time indoors.
What they do is just socialise online, watch tv shows and sleep.
If someone rarely goes out, this should tell you that they are lonely.
They don’t have friends to go out with and that is why they are always indoors.
7. They mostly isolate themselves from other people.
People who are lonely will prefer to be by themselves in most cases.
They won’t want to hang out with other people because they know that no one is going to like them.
No one will want to be around them because they are loners.
It can be that you don’t see this, but those who are lonely notice it.
They know that being around other people will just make them sadder because they are going to be reminded about what they don’t have.
They are going to be reminded that they can’t make friends and that is their fault.
This will only continue to make them sad.
So, if you find that someone is always striving to distance themselves from other people, then know that they are lonely.
You have to know that what I have shared with you in this article may not apply to everyone.
Some people don’t just like to be around other people and that is why they don’t get closer to them.
We have other people with social anxiety and it’s a problem for them to make friends and interact with other people.
You might like this: 7 Reasons Why You Have No Friends
So, don’t just get one sign from this article and conclude that someone is lonely.
But if you come across most of the signs that I have talked about in this article, then this should tell you that they are lonely.
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions you should leave your comment.
See you in my next article.
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